Sunday, October 14, 2012

Friday, October 12th

Thursday during class we learned about the battles of Lexington and Concord and the Battle of Bunker Hill. Mr.Boyle used an animated slideshow to show the movements of the events that took place. I thought it was very interesting to see it visually rather than in a textbook. You also got to see the strategies and advantages the colonists had like knowing the land and things like that. I like that Mr. Boyle doesnt teach out of the text book. the textbooks are very wordy and a lot of the information you dont even need.

Friday in class we were handed documents and grouped into people with the same document. we analyzed them to see which side they were taking. whether they supported the British or the colonies. My group had "Common Sense" which was basically saying that America would be better off without Britain. Then we grouped with people with different documents and shared our information with the group. While we were sharing i figured out that my document was different from everyones in that mine was directly quoting and everyone elses summarized and analyzed it for them which made mine more difficult. but in the end we figured it out and had a good Friday class.

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