Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tuesday, September 18th 2012

Yesterday in history class we were handed a document as we entered class. Then in the groups we chose to sit in we looked through a document discussing whether we should have one president or three. The three different sections were he Virginia Plan, the New Jersey Plan and the Hamilton Plan were the three different sections included in the document. In the documents we looked for things like how they were to be elected, how long their terms would be and if they were able to run for re-election.

Today in history we looked at how a bill becomes a law and the three different branches of the government. The three branches are the legislative, judicial, and the executive branch. Then we took out our devices and were going to crate a presentation online but it didn't work quite as well as we would have liked. Using the iPad to try to do it didn't work very well so we just wrote it out instead. That's the only thing about the BYOD program. You never know what can go wrong. Like if it dies or the Internet goes out or something. But besides that I think it's a really great program.

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