Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday May 3rd

Yesterday in class we read some poems about the white mans burden, black mans burden and a poor mans burden. This was to start off the imperialism period of our class Mr. Boyle also made the announcement that this would be our last unit of the school year! I think that's pretty exciting.

Today in class it is day 4 which means that we go to the library to work on our smithsonian quests. I learned about water conservation and how to save energy by using less water. I had to read about how much water it takes to make certain products and then make a chart reporting those results and submit it for approval, which I did get. The second part of earning the badge was me writing an advice column to a family that wants to conserve energy and water. I liked it because it got me thinking about how much unnecissary water we use nowadays.

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